Friday 7 September 2007

Child Health, September 2007

Children just beginning school need their sleep first investigation of developmental sleep duration patterns throughout childhood shows that children just beginning school and who get little sleep are more likely to have behavioral and cognitive problems in the classroom, according to a study published in the September 1 issue of the journal SLEEP.

Even kindies stress out before school researchers have found that even children at kinder garden can find school a stressful place.

Some kids are being misdiagnosed with asthma cord dysfunction (VCD) is the sudden, abnormal narrowing of the vocal cords during inhalation causing obstruction of the airflow, and is characterized by a noise that can mimic the sound of wheezing.

Make all school routes 20mph zones, says BMA walk to school routes in Wales should be designated 20 mph zones, according to Welsh doctors leaders.

Gestational diabetes doubles children's risk of obesity to the latest research babies born to mothers with untreated gestational diabetes have nearly double the normal risk of becoming obese during childhood.

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